Reducing Energy Costs, DaysE
Reducing Energy Costs, Recycling Energy Credits, Sustainability…
Going “Greener” in your Parish, Business, Organisation. Community.
Wednesday 10th June, John Paul 11 Pastoral Centre, Rock Road, Killarney at 7pm
(If driving please park in the public car park near the library, NOT at the Centre)
An opportunity to meet Colm Byrne , the man behind DaysE, an NGO set up […]
Transition Energy Group on Radio Kerry
Hi all,
There is a really interesting pod cast of Transition Kerry Energy group on Radio Kerry.
Well worth listening too.
Social Enterprise and Energy Co-ops
Social enterprises are a community centered business model which is already being used extensively in Ireland.
The main aim of the enterprise is not to create wealth for the owners or share holders, but to provide a necessary service in the community.
The surplus’s gathered from it commercial activity’s are then reinvested in groups activities in the […]
LEADER Funding Allocations for Kerry and Ireland 2014-2020
The Department of Environment, Community and Local Government (DECLG) allocated €220 million overall to individual sub-regional (county) areas for the purposes of the implementation of the LEADER elements of the Rural Development Programme by Local Action Groups within those areas. As announced in Budget 2015, an overall €250 million will be allocated towards the LEADER […]
List of Energy Co-operatives in Ireland
List of Energy Co-operatives in Ireland
Energy Co-operatives Ireland
Waterford Renewable Energy Co-op
Arann Island Energy Co-Op
Irish Co-operative Organisation Society
Cultivate Celbridge
Sustainable Energy Communities
Irish Bioenergy Association