There is a series of workshops taking place in Moyderwell Allotments Tralee (near the Library) in June. Tá fáilte roimh gach duine
Let’s grow together: Thursday, June, 9th, 16th, 23rd from 10-12pm
Creating a productive, edible and beautiful small garden from scratch with Marike Dunk (Gardener and Horticultural therapist). Learn as we work together. No previous gardening skills necessary.
Compost Tea Making Workshop: Thursday, June 9th 6.30-8.30pm
During this workshop Peter Colleran (Moyderwell Allotments) and Thomas O’Connor (Manna Organic Farm) will introduce you to the basics of making compost tea before they demonstrate the steps involved and the equipment needed. You will also see the beneficial organisms through a powerful microscope (see attached Poster for more details)
Herbal Remedies from the Garden: Tuesday; June 21st 10.30-12.30pm
A workshop looking at plants from the garden and how to use them for everyday remedies with Chris Best (Medical Herbalist)
Compost Making Workshop: Saturday; June 25th 10am -12
Learn the essentials of making good compost to create greater soil fertility and enhanced growing conditions with Ian McGrigor ( Gortbrack Organic Farm).
Suggested Contribution for each workshop is €5-10 which goes towards Allotment expenses.